
Snake Handling


 In my last post for Best American Poetry's blog, I compared confessional writing to snake handling and taxidermy. pointing out that taxidermy is like writing about the dead, while snake handling is like writing about the living. I left the topic of snake handling untouched, largely because I am not enthusiastic about writing about my living relatives and friends. But I recently received an email asking me to elaborate on the topic of snake handling. Really, Nin? Do you handle snakes? I was asked.  

I thought I’d start by describing the day I first tried to hold a snake. My sister, D., had just returned from Nature Camp. It was a hot summer day, and I was so happy to see her when she announced, Snakes are really neato, Nin. (Neato was the word back then.) And they're a cinch to catch. Wanna try?  I didn’t answer her.  She went on to tell me about the herpetologist who was her camp counselor—how he had told her that we are never more than a few feet from a snake in Virginia. To prove his point, she reached out and grabbed a small Eastern Garter snake that was gliding into the Johnson grass by the car, and held it out to me. Grab him beneath the neck, she said. I didn’t point out that snakes don’t have necks. Instead I quickly dropped the snake and jumped back. 

Are you scared of a little garter snake? she asked.

Not exactly, I wanted to say. But I don’t want to hold onto one. I just get this feeling . . .  

That’s the feeling I have when I pick up my pen and think about trying to write about the secrets or revealing moments of someone I know, especially someone I love or once loved. I’m even feeling it a little bit now as I write about my sister. 

The experience makes me think of those early writing classes when everyone was trying to follow the dictum, Write what you know. Our writing material, we were informed, is all around us. You don’t need or want to imitate Poe or Whitman to be a poet. Many of us were reading Ann Sexton and Sylvia Plath and using them as role models.  The more distressing the material, the more applauded our poetry seemed to be. I felt as if I were trying to grab the creepy or unsavory moments from my days and hold them up for everyone to see. I remember wondering if Wordsworth had been a confessional poet, would he have defined poetry as creepiness recollected in tranquility? Or the spontaneous overflow of toxic feelings? 

I will always remember one of my early poetry workshops in which a woman’s poems described her boyfriend’s sexual inadequacies, giving a detailed account of his penis and freckled ass. The poems were graphic to the point of pornographic, and they were hard to erase from my mind. I can’t tell you whether the poems were any good or not, but I can say that the boyfriend was in my philosophy class. I was never able to look at him without wondering if the poems were accurate. 

But I don’t mean to suggest that all of our poems in those days were so deeply personal or potentially humiliating. No, many were as innocuous and commonplace as garden-variety black snakes, milk snakes, or the red bellied snakes. The appeal of the poems, I realized after a while, relied not on what they confessed, but rather on how much they could startle and entertain a reader. After a while, I became accustomed to the style of poetry, even if I never mastered it. 

In this same way, I became accustomed as a girl to the many harmless snakes that cohabitated with us in our childhood home. I don’t know at what point it became commonplace to open a closet or look under the sink and discover a snake curled up in the corner behind a shoe or a bottle of dish soap. Those of you who have lived in the rural South might know how much snakes do like to come inside in the fall, along the field mice.  As a girl, I would sometimes wake in the night and hear a distinct swishing sound of a blacksnake gliding across the attic floor overhead. When I complained to my parent, my mother insisted that the snakes were our friends. We should be happy they were living in our attic. They dined on the rodents that had also moved into the attic and, unlike the Orkin man, they left no chemical residue behind. 

When I went into the attic in spring to find my summery clothes, I would often discover a few snake skins that were several feet long. 

I suppose I am stating the obvious here to say that the older I grew, the more aware I became of just how peculiar my family was. How many odd little tales I could tell, as I am telling now. But often I chose not to. 

There is something complicated about writing about your close friends and family, even if it is so done these days, and often done so well. I doubt I’m unique in my hesitations. I recently finished a collection of novels, the Neopolitan Novels, written by an Italian author whose pen name is Elena Ferrante. What fascinated me about the books was the vivid and exhaustive descriptions of a lifelong rivalry and love/hate relationship between two women, one of whom is a writer.  The promise that is broken and that ultimately breaks up their friendship is the promise of the writer—not to write about her friend. I couldn’t help but think that Ferrante’s hidden identity allowed her a level of honesty and the freedom to describe I am in awe at her ability to delve so deeply into the female psyche. 

By contrast I feel a lack of courage, though once or twice, I have written about my father who was, among other things, a gay man who was kicked out of the Navy for having an affair with an officer, and who underwent counseling to be “cured.” I don’t know what his counseling entailed, and I have often wondered. My mother married him, knowing he was gay, and never expected him to be otherwise. I know of several books about the suffering caused by the gay/straight marriage, but the books don’t describe my parents. My mother, a pragmatist, was very open about her belief that homosexuality is genetic, and she quite eagerly looked at each of her six children to see which of us had  inherited the gay gene. Once, after asking one of my sisters if she was a lesbian, my mother speculated that the gene might skip generations, sort of like red hair. My father, however, was not forthcoming about his sexuality, though he kept photos and letters from an ex-lover in his sock drawer and always had gay friends. To write about his sexuality used to feel like a violation, but nowadays, the topic is so much tamer than it once was, I don’t feel as if I am trespassing when I write about him.

Maybe part of the problem I have hadwith confessional poetry is that it so often involves confessing another’s secrets, not my own. I have one poet-friend who wrote a lot of very revealing poems about her family and then informed her siblings and parents that her poems had nothing to do with them. Any unflattering resemblance to reality was not intentional. But she was lying, and no one was fooled. As a result, she is still not particularly welcome or comfortable at family functions. She says her family keeps asking her why she cast them in such an unflattering light. How can I tell them—they’re just poems, she asked me, meaning, What did they expect? Hallmark cards? She added, Why can’t they just chill? 

Her use of the word, chill, reminds me of the day my sister decided to catch a few copperheads and photograph them. She wanted the snakes to remain still or  move slowly, so she put the copperheads in the deep freeze so they would cool down and slow for her photo shoot. Imagine me, reaching unsuspecting into the freezer for a Nutty Buddy and finding a few half-frozen snakes. 

Generally, I think, families like those snakes do chill out. They get used to their poet-sibling, parents, or children. They learn to tolerate a certain amount of exposure with grace. Maybe they realize that the slim volumes of poetry are rarely read. Perhaps it is that anonymity that makes us poets brave. Most of us know that the chances of our getting a decent audience are minimal. I think I, for one, could have written entire volumes about my family, and they would never know, much less read them.

All the same, I still think of reasons to hesitate. I had a student in a workshop once who asked me if she could get sued for a poem she wrote about her abusive yet ultra-wealthy ex-lover. I don’t know the answer, but I suppose it might be possible. I don’t think that’s happened, or has it? This woman said that she’d always felt like a mouse in a lion den, something vulnerable and small. She also admitted she wanted revenge. Even if it were just in a poem. And she added, There is something magical about the power of words.

To keep pushing the snake analogy, I was reminded by her of the winter my sister bought a boa constrictor at the pet store. Her boa had a short and tragic life. A few weeks later, the snake’s dinner, a small white mouse, ate it, crunching into its long body while the snake lay motionless in a glass aquarium on our living room table. When I pointed out the mouse-eating snake, my mother looked up from her newspaper and sighed. To think, I thought someone was eating Triscuits in hereNature is just full of surprises, isn’t it? My mother, an Ancient Greek scholar, then alluded to the Spartan women who beat up any men who failed to perform their studly duties. Exactly what the Spartan ladies had to do with snake-eating mice, I wasn't certain, though the image has stuck with me. 

This same poet who talked of seeking revenge through poetry also claimed that writing about her suffering was healing, which surprised me—I who am so squeamish. I am reminded me of the day I told my mother I didn’t want to handle a snake, that I was afraid of them. She said how stupid I was, adding, snakes are among the most valuable citizens of the natural worldWhy do you think snakes were a symbol of healing in Ancient Greece?

 I asked if they were also a healing symbol of Sparta, but she didn’t answer. Some people just have a way with snakes, she continued. They know their secret language, just as bird lovers know bird songs. Her friend, Polly Buxton, she informed me, could pick up rattle snakes with her walking stick. All she had to do was plant her stick on the ground, and they'd wrap around it like ribbons around a Maypole. I didn’t point out that Polly also talked to ghosts and said she had met Abraham Lincoln more than once, adding God rest his soul

My mother then lectured me on how I should learn to love all of nature, snakes included. She told me again and again her favorite snake tale about our distant relative, Mr. Frick, who often visited an island in the Caribbean and brought snakes back home with him on the planes (decades before the movie). In order to sneak his Caribbean snake collection through customs, he dressed his three little daughters up like Little Bo Peeps, complete with bonnets and baskets. The snakes he hid in the bottom of their baskets. The snakes, Mom claimed, slept through the entire plane ride and were never discovered by U.S. customs agents. Those little Frick girls kept them so happy. Why they must have been snake enchantresses. 

She told this story many times as if she were telling one of the miracles of Jesus. Only she added, This really happened. And: Imagine being that much in love with snakes. I know she wished I were more like my sister and those little Fricks.  She hoped one day I too might grow up and learn to hold onto a snake. As she put it, snake-handling is a life skill. Sort of like riding a bike, only much more useful. Once you learn it, you never forget. I’m still thinking about that, and I am still thinking about how to write a good confessional poem.


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Men Get Away with A-hell-of-a-lot

My father once said, If  you ever speak in public, lower your voice. Stand tall, square your shoulders, and look confident. And wear a nice jacket, like a suit jacket.  I would practice in front of the mirror, lowering my voice, wearing one of his large men’s jackets that smelled of him—of whiskey and talcum powder.

Actually I am lying. My father never said how I should speak in public. Instead he made fun of my mother when she became an activist, speaking out at town meetings, her face turning red, her voice quivering. Several times her photo was on the front of the newspaper. Her voice gets so high, my father said. And shrill. And she wears the wrong dresses. And looks old in the photographs.

In other words, she looked and sounded like a middle-aged woman. My father asked her to use her maiden name if she was ever going to be interviewed again.

I’ve thought about this a lot since then, especially when I listen to women candidates like Hillary Clinton speak. She lowers her voice. She squares her shoulders. She looks confident, if tired. God forbid if she should ever become emotional or shrill.  One could guess that her feminine side is not an asset.

My father was not critical of the men who spoke out at the same town meetings as my mother, and who were also featured in the newspaper. None of them looked appealing. Most of them were balding white men in suits. Nor did my father grade the timbre of their voices. I asked if they spoke well, and he said in an absent-minded voice, Not particularly.

That’s the first time it occurred to me that you can get away with a lot if you are a man and not much if you are a woman.

I’ve tried to make this point in many ways, and most recently in my book, Why God Is a Woman, in which I envisioned an imaginary world where gender roles are reversed. But again and again, I hear men argue with me, saying, We have it just as hard.

I beg to differ. Men, I want to say, get away with what my father called a-hell-of-alot.

Donald Trump is my case in point.

Imagine, if you will, a balding, orange woman, running for president. How long would you last?

Now imagine a balding, orange woman with no experience, running for president.

Imagine this orange, balding and female candidate, married to her third young male sex toy.

Yes, go ahead. Let yourself imagine a rich and powerful woman, a Trumpette, that likes to think of men as her possession, to be discarded with age. 

Now imagine this orange, balding woman who does nothing but brag nonstop, and who is running for president.  

(Modesty, we women know, is one of our many assets. What do men know about modesty?)

Then imagine this same balding woman-candidate making fun of others, maybe enjoying telling John McCain that he’s no war hero, as if she knows exactly what a war hero is.

Really, imagine what would happen if Hillary Clinton made fun of John McCain.   

Imagine this hideous orange woman-candidate, announcing what a sexy thing she is, bragging about her breast size as Donald Trump went on about his penis size.

Imagine this Trumpette saying about her son If Ivan weren’t my son, perhaps I’d be dating him.  Or talking about her newborn boy and wondering about the size his sex might be in the future—as Donald Trump did when looking at his baby Tiffany’s breasts.

At least, she could happy that he already had nice legs.

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Sadie and I

I grew up on a farm, and one of my earliest memories is of animals dying, and of my mother saying, It's just a dog. Or, it's just a cat. Or it's just a calf, meaning, Stop crying. Death is just a part of life. And besides, there is a whole barnyard of other pets. 

My mother was tough. Or, as my father put it, She's from New England. She almost never cried and was rarely emotional. 

I remember watching her unflinching face as she loaded her horse onto a trailer to be trucked off to the glue factory. Or when she found a few of her heifers, dead from the bloat after eating  alfalfa. Only in her later years did she become teary over the death of her Rottweiler, and even then, it was just a solitary tear, blinked back with a stoic expression, It happens to all of us, as if it were just the fact of death that we needed to get used to, not the loss of some part of ourselves, of some kind of communion we have with our animal friends. 

My father was different. He expressed his feelings of both rage and grief openly.  In fact, he had trouble controlling himself at times and could be a like a can of hot, shook Coke.

I remember the two of us holding his boxer, Tonic, while the dog died. We wept while my mother looked on, appalled by our outpouring. 

It was that memory of my father and I and Tonic that came to me in a dream, a healing dream I had a few years after my father passed away. I wanted so badly to remember the dream, I bought a puppy the next week and named it Sadie, which was a name that was somehow a part of that dream.

In the first year of her life, Sadie was so sickly, one vet suggested she might not survive. During that year I often dreamt of my father. We had had our issues, you could say, but little by little over that year, the issues began to dissipate.  I dreamt of him less and less. And Sadie's health began to improve. By the time Sadie was a year old, the father dreams had stopped, and Sadie was a healthy dog. 

Don't get me wrong, I know these parallels are merely coincidental, but the link is there in my mind. I think of Sadie as a healing force, but I think most dogs are just that.

Sadie became my writing companion, my walking companion, and my best listener as well. Over the last thirteen years, she has heard every poem I have ever written at least twenty times. You could say that she is my most patient and devoted listener. She looks up at me, alert, as if interested in every word.

After a year, I bought her a friend, Froda, and the two dogs are inseparable. They have kept me going, hour and hour, day after day.

In the fall of 2015, Sadie was diagnosed with kidney disease.  At the diagnosis, we were told to expect less than a year because her numbers were very bad. But she has been going strong in spite of those numbers with a few setbacks . . .

until this week. I can hear my mother telling me, She's just a dog.  And of course she is. Just like I am just a woman.  

It is unspeakably sad for me.

Farm-girl that I was, I have never taken as animal to be put down. The farm dogs simply died, as did the cats. Some went off to corners. Some were held as Tonic was. But I never chose the day they would leave. 




Rumi: Start a huge foolish project . . .

I am such a fan of Rumi. I LOVE the last lines of this Rumi poem.

These spiritual window-shoppers, 
who idly ask, 'How much is that?' Oh, I'm just looking. 
They handle a hundred items and put them down, 
shadows with no capital.

 What is spent is love and two eyes wet with weeping. 
But these walk into a shop, 
and their whole lives pass suddenly in that moment, 
in that shop.

 Where did you go? "Nowhere." 
What did you have to eat? "Nothing much."

 Even if you don't know what you want, 
buy _something,_ to be part of the exchanging flow.

Start a huge, foolish project, 
like Noah.

 It makes absolutely no difference
what people think of you.


From Rumi, 'We Are Three', Mathnawi VI, 831-845



      Gratitude for Books and Professors

      I am so dependent on books, I sometimes feel bereft when I finish one. It’s a little like losing a lover, esp. if it’s a really good book/lover.

      I like to have three books on hand—a poetry book, a novel, and a spiritual book that keeps me sane.

      This week my poetry book is Matthew Minicucci’s Translation, which I just discovered at a Lit Youngstown Reading, and I am savoring . . . Oh, I love finding a new poet to spend time with.

      But I always want to be in the middle of a novel.  

      These last few weeks I have been swept up by the Elena Ferrante Neapolitan Novels—a set of 4 books that so vividly describe the love/hate or maybe love/jealousy relationship between two women, they sounded almost autobiographical.

      Sometimes the author goes on for pages and pages, describing the insecurities and jealousies of the main character, and often there isn’t a driving plot.

      So why is she so interesting? And I mean hundreds of repetitive pages worth of interesting? I don't know. I really don't. 

      Like so many of her readers, I want to know who the real Ferrante is. Elena Ferrante is a nom de plume.


      I suppose part of the appeal (but only a small part) is that the book brought up my own memories, some of my own brilliant friend, Anne Marie Slaughter, although I didn’t feel jealous of her as a girl. Rather, I somehow took personal pride in her brilliance, as if it had something to do with me. I still feel that way. (Funny, the logic of childhood.)

      The main character also talks a lot about her teachers, those from childhood and beyond.And she talks about luck. She feels grateful. I do the same, babbling on and on . . .  

      I am so very grateful for the great professors who helped me.

      Though sometimes the “greatness” of my profs was served up via negative.  The first writing teacher I had was Diane Wakoski. As a freshman, I had finagled my way into her graduate writing class. At the time, I was writing truly awful poems.Wakoski, or Whak Me, as I called her, told me on no uncertain terms just how terrible my poetry was--week after week, day after day. I consoled myself with the fact that I wasn't her only victim. I can’t say I have fond memories of her class, but she was honest and saved me some time by telling the truth. Since then I have often wondered-- What is the appropriate response to terrible poetry? How does one say, graciously, what Diane said without any pretense of kindness?

      The next professor I often feel thankful for is Michael Burkhard. Michael taught me, among other things, the fish bowl cure for bad poems. The fishbowl, he said, can save many a disastrous poem. And I only had bad poems then. So what is the fish bowl cure? you might ask.

      Write a letter or two and then a poem or two. Then you take your poems and letters, cut them up, sentence by sentence, and put then in a bowl. Stir them around and then take them out and arrange the lines on your page.

      I learned from Michael that poetry can be fun. It can be a kind of play. A puzzle. A discovery.  Now, sometimes I will be reading a poem that has surprising connections, and I wonder if the writer used the fishbowl cure.

      And then there is David Lehman for whom I feel such profound gratitude. A class with Lehman was like drinking ten cups of espresso at once. It was a shot of adrenaline, joy, love. 

      After every class, I wanted to read or write another poem asap. Through David, I discovered Borges, Michaux, Vallejo, Marquez, Ashbery, O’Hara, Strand, and so many others. And for a while (just a little while), I lost that critical voice that said, You’re no poet. And, Who do you think you are?

      Unlike Wakoski, I don’t remember David ever saying that  he disliked someone’s poem. When confronted with a poem he disliked, he would stare blankly at the page, all emotion vacuumed from his features.  I suppose he didn’t need to say anything. But he celebrated what he loved, even if it was just a line or a single word. Every now and then, I felt celebrated. And lucky. He was an antidote to the Whak Me experience. 



      Beauty Parlor Days

      What is it about going to the beauty parlor that fries the brain? And you go back and try to write and all you can think is, Was that me in the mirror? Oh dear.  And then there are those questions . . . You write? What do you write? Do you get paid? Why do you do it then?  



      The Grief Diaries

      The Grief Diaries, an online journal, republished one of my attempts at confessional poetry--the one kind of poetry that has given me pause.  If I say I don't like something (in poetry), I make myself do it just to see what happens. 



      Flash Flash Click


      This is the flash fiction story I wrote in our ekphrastic class with Youngstown Lit, based on Joy Christiansen Erb's photograph called "A Mother's Love." Thanks to Siel Ju for posting it! The next ekphrastic meeting is this Thursday at the JCC at 6:00, and Kelly Bancroft, Arya-frencesca Jenkins, and Mari Alshuler will be reading at 7:00. Should be a fun night! 



      Introducing Guru Penguin

      While I was reviewing old comics I drew, I found Guru Penguin. I'd forgotten all about Guru Penguin. I thought I'd bring him back to comment on poets and poetry and the nature of personal reality. 


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      AWP COMICS & BOA's 40th Anniversary

      Oh, am I ever glad I am not going to AWP this year! I was just looking through my old comics, drawn when I was first trying to figure out FLASH and how to draw comics with my mouse, and realizing how many of my early comics were about my dread of AWP. But I will miss seeing friends and celebrating BOA's 40th anniversary and seeing poets like Naomi Shihab Nye, Rick Bursky, and Li-Young Lee. 

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      Dante Di Stefano, David Lehman, & Meet the Press

      For a few years now, I have been editing a series of interviews with presses on The Best American Poetry Blog called Meet the Press.  This fall I decided it was time for someone else to take over the interviews. I wasn't sure who that someone else would be until I had the pleasure of corresponding with the amazing young poet, Dante Di Stefano,  an editor and book reviewer at Arcadia Magazine.  I invited him to do a few interviews for the blog. His interview questions as well as his interest in poetry and other poets reminded me of David Lehman many years ago, way back  when he was my professor at Hamilton College.  David had such a generosity of spirit and was so interested not only in his own work but in everyone else's poetry as well, I wanted to be his student forever. I am quite sure I wouldn't be a poet at all if I had not been his student. I think of him sometimes, picking up poetry books by the likes of O'Hara, Ashbery, Koch and saying, Listen to this!  And the poetry would come alive in his voice. He also introduced me to the amazing Henri Michaux, my first true love--back then he was already translating Michaux poems. I believe he only had one book then, a chapbook called Day One. But the poems were already pure Lehman, such as this one: 



      Poets/Artists, Freak Out, and the Amazing Didi Menendez

      I don't know of any writer, poet, artist, and publisher with more energy than Didi Menendez. I have had the honor of being published by her in MiPoesias and Poets/Artists and on iTunes, and of being a part of her amazing art and poetry shows. Her latest show can be seen here: The website for Poets/Artists is  You can see the magazine here: And this is book of art and poetry she published of my and Emily Lisker's work.  What an amazing force Didi is!  So many of us poets and artists have benefited from her passion and hard work!   



      Gertrude Stein Comic

      The opening of Stein's poem, "If I Told Him," sounds like a love comic to me, though of course she is trying to verbally create a portrait of Picasso.

      If I TOLD HIM

      If I told him would he like it. Would he like it if I told him. 
      Would he like it would Napoleon would Napoleon would would he like it. 
      If Napoleon if I told him if I told him if Napoleon. Would he like it if I told him if I told him if Napoleon. Would he like it if Napoleon if
      Napoleon if I told him. If I told him if Napoleon if Napoleon if I told him. If I told him would he like it would he like it if I told him. 
      Not now. 
      And now. 
      Exactly as as kings. 
      Feeling full for it. 
      Exactitude as kings. 
      So to beseech you as full as for it. 
      Exactly or as kings. 
      Shutters shut and open so do queens. Shutters shut and shutters and so shutters shut and shutters and so and so shutters and so shutters shut
      and so shutters shut and shutters and so. And so shutters shut and so and also. And also and so and so and also. 
      Exact resemblance to exact resemblance the exact resemblance as exact as a resemblance, exactly as resembling, exactly resembling, exactly
      in resemblance exactly a resemblance, exactly and resemblance. For this is so. Because. 
      Now actively repeat at all, now actively repeat at all, now actively repeat at all. 
      Have hold and hear, actively repeat at all. 
      I judge judge. 
      As a resemblance to him. 
      Who comes first. Napoleon the first. 
      Who comes too coming coming too, who goes there, as they go they share, who shares all, all is as all as as yet or as yet. 
      Now to date now to date. Now and now and date and the date. 
      Who came first Napoleon at first. Who came first Napoleon the first. Who came first, Napoleon first. 
      Exactly as they do. 
      First exactly. 
      Exactly as they do too. 
      First exactly. 
      And first exactly. 
      Exactly as they do. 
      And first exactly and exactly. 
      And do they do. 
      At first exactly and first exactly and do they do. 
      The first exactly. 
      At first exactly. 
      First as exactly. 
      At first as exactly. 
      As presently. 
      As as presently. 
      He he he he and he and he and and he and he and he and and as and as he and as he and he. He is and as he is, and as he is and he is, he is
      and as he and he and as he is and he and he and and he and he. 
      Can curls rob can curls quote, quotable. 
      As presently. 
      As exactitude. 
      As trains. 
      Has trains. 
      Has trains. 
      As trains. 
      As trains. 
      As proportions as presently. 
      Father and farther. 
      Was the king or room. 
      Farther and whether. 
      Was there was there was there what was there was there what was there was there there was there. 
      Whether and in there. 
      As even say so. 
      I land. 
      I land. 
      The land. 
      The land. 
      I land. 
      I land. 
      I land. 
      I land. 
      As a so. 
      They cannot. 
      A note. 
      They cannot. 
      A float. 
      They cannot. 
      They dote. 
      They cannot. 
      They as denote. 
      Miracles play. 
      Play fairly. 
      Play fairly well. 
      A well. 
      As well. 
      As or as presently. 
      Let me recite what history teaches. History teaches. 



      Road Kill Sightings (posted on The Best American Poetry Blog)

      The other day I was reading posts on Facebook by the many poets who admire Mary Oliver’s poem, “Wild Geese.” So I read the poem over, stopping at those lines: Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.

      I began to wonder. Do you really want to know about my despair? Do I want to know yours?

      Because honestly, I’m not sure I like confessing. Or that I like confessional poetry. But I’ve been struggling to write it lately, studying the how, the why. (If I am critical of a kind of poetry, I make myself try it on for size.)

      It seems that many confessional poets start with their parents, describing the terrible things parents did to them: the betrayals, the abuse. So that’s where I wanted to begin, too.

      I started with my mother who was totally in love with nature. She also admired Mary Oliver. I consider that a serious betrayal.

      Once after hearing that same poem, “Wild Geese” on NPR, she asked me why I didn’t write nature poetry. You should write a poem about wild geese, she said. (The truth is she would have liked me to write about anythingbesides orgasms.)

      My mother could name every bird, plant, and tree, and when I was a girl, she tried to teach me to do the same. I was a lost cause. I never learned the names of any birds or trees or flowers beyond sparrow and spruce and tulip. Discouraged, my mother begged me go to a nature camp, but I refused. She had sent my older sister, D, the year before, and when D returned, she had two new skills: snake handling and taxidermy.

      These two skills are my metaphors for confessional poetry. Snake handling is writing about the living. Taxidermy—writing about the dead. Today, I’d like to expand on the taxidermy metaphor.

      Because after her stint at nature camp, D spent our vacation in Maine staring out the car window, looking for a dead animal to stuff. We’d be driving along the freeway when suddenly she would shout STOP at the top of her lungs. My mother would screech to a halt, and D would climb out of the car to inspect a dead deer or dog. My mother called these stops road kill sightings.

      Usually D would decide the animals weren’t fresh enough. It’s kind of like selecting vegetables and fruit, she explained. You want the dead to be just right.

      Isn’t that just like writing poems about the dead? So often we don’t really do them justice. And something begins to smell bad, at least to us. Or anyone who actually knew the person we are writing about.

      Also, a memory can come so quickly, like an image seen from a speeding car. Often it arrives at an inopportune time, maybe when you are swimming or having a drink with friends or drifting off to sleep. And you don’t write it down. By the time you are sitting down at a desk, you can’t recapture the scene, the mood, the excitement.

      I remember how once, in frustration, my sister, D, went searching for dead animals along Route 1, and when she returned, she was carrying what she said her teacher from Nature Camp would have called a real fine carcass. (We poets have a few of our own Route 1’s, I think—those places we go again and again for well-traveled sources of inspiration.)

      This raccoon hasn’t been dead that long, she assured me before dumping it onto the kitchen counter. Slicing neatly and sliding the raccoon out of its fur, she explained that skinning an animal is as simple as taking off his jacket.See? she said. The insides stay together, just like they’re in a Glad baggy. She held up a shiny sack of entrails up to the light for me to admire.

      I suppose I don’t need to explain the analogy here to the experience of writing about those we love, discovering and exposing those choice, glistening moments. But let me expand a little more . . .

      Because sadly, D’s raccoon’s head was a bit squished. And my sister wanted to make him look really alive. She dabbed his face with black paint where the fur was missing, and replaced his eye balls with yellow marbles. Then she named him Buddy Boy before posing him on a stand. One front leg was bent, and the other was stretched forward as if he were in full stride. Buddy Boy looked as if he were racing off the platform, still trying to escape an oncoming car.

      How many poems have I dabbed and painted over again and again? How many look back at me with yellow marble eyes?

      After she’d finished, D wasn’t sure she wanted to sleep in the same room with a dead animal. Neither was I. Buddy Boy was beginning to stink. D stuck Buddy Boy on the flat roof outside her window. Soon a sickly sweet scent wafted through the bedroom. In a few days buzzards circled overhead.

      I couldn’t help thinking that maybe we should have left the dead well enough alone. Let its spirit fly away like Oliver’s wild geese.

      I picture the dead parents of confessional poets in their afterlife, seeing us still coming after them like an oncoming car.



      Thinking about Jarrell's poem, "Next Day"

      My friend, Ann, says that women become invisible after “a certain age.” You can’t go shopping anymore and expect anyone to help you, she said. You can’t travel and expect anyone to help you with your luggage, directions, advice. She thinks older women move through the world, ghost-like and solitary.  Whenever she talks about that, I think of Jarrell’s poem, “Next Day.” And then I think to myself that I like being  a ghost.  I don’t usually like it when salesmen hover around, asking what I’d like.


      But yesterday, I went shopping at the mall, looking for a dress for my son’s wedding. I wandered around Dillard’s first and then Macy’s, not finding a single thing I could wear.  The sales ladies ignored me, even looked away if I came close.  I felt like some kind of furry animal, maybe a rat or a dog. Finally I went to the Macy’s service desk.  A woman, shaped like a giant pink pill, looked down at me as if I were far away, and said, We don’t have anything for little people like you. Most of our dresses styles start at size 10. We never carry anything under a 6.  She looked so dismissive. I felt like a tiny child being scolded. Before turning away, she added I could look at the Junior dresses, pointing to a selection of frothy Easter dresses in pinks and purples and yellows with matching hats and ribbons and gloves.  I imagined myself wearing one of the dresses, looking like some kind of antique Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. 

      Next Day
      Moving from Cheer to Joy, from Joy to All,
      I take a box
      And add it to my wild rice, my Cornish game hens.
      The slacked or shorted, basketed, identical
      Food-gathering flocks
      Are selves I overlook.Wisdom, said William James,
      Is learning what to overlook.And I am wise
      If that is wisdom.
      Yet somehow, as I buy All from these shelves
      And the boy takes it to my station wagon,
      What I’ve become
      Troubles me even if I shut my eyes.
      When I was young and miserable and pretty
      And poor, I’d wish
      What all girls wish: to have a husband,
      A house and children.Now that I’m old, my wish
      Is womanish:
      That the boy putting groceries in my car
      See me.It bewilders me he doesn’t see me.
      For so many years
      I was good enough to eat: the world looked at me
      And its mouth watered.How often they have undressed me,
      The eyes of strangers!
      And, holding their flesh within my flesh, their vile
      Imaginings within my imagining,
      I too have taken
      The chance of life.Now the boy pats my dog
      And we start home.Now I am good.
      The last mistaken,
      Ecstatic, accidental bliss, the blind
      Happiness that, bursting, leaves upon the palm
      Some soap and water--
      It was so long ago, back in some Gay
      Twenties, Nineties, I don’t know . . . Today I miss
      My lovely daughter
      Away at school, my sons away at school,
      My husband away at work--I wish for them.
      The dog, the maid,
      And I go through the sure unvarying days
      At home in them.As I look at my life,
      I am afraid
      Only that it will change, as I am changing:
      I am afraid, this morning, of my face.
      It looks at me
      From the rear-view mirror, with the eyes I hate,
      The smile I hate.Its plain, lined look
      Of gray discovery
      Repeats to me: “You’re old.”That’s all, I’m old.
      And yet I’m afraid, as I was at the funeral
      I went to yesterday.
      My friend’s cold made-up face, granite among its flowers,
      Her undressed, operated-on, dressed body
      Were my face and body.
      As I think of her I hear her telling me
      How young I seem; I am exceptional;
      I think of all I have.
      But really no one is exceptional,
      No one has anything, I’m anybody,
      I stand beside my grave
      Confused with my life, that is commonplace and solitary.
